This is a small flashfilm called "The Circumnavigation"
or, in the original Danish, "Jordunderrejsen". It's about
how the quest for fortune and fame sometimes can end up having strange
consequences. It's the first thing i finished with Flash shortly
after i got the program. I have been writing short stories and been
experimenting with video and music before, and i was imidiately
fascinated by the way it was possible to tell completely different
kinds of stories with Flash-animation...and, of course, thrilled
about how good the program is to help you draw
I first came to know the internet when in college around 1995,
shortly after i got my own computer, and got connected. I'm deeply
fascinated about the way the internet has devolped over the past
decade, and i still get weekly kicks out of surfing the web finding
all sorts of creative outbreaks. My fascination about both the content
and the structure of the internet is the reason why i decided to
I choose to forward the netstafet to Mikkel Beat, who is working
with Alife programming to create music. What a fabulous idea! :-)
(if you have problems watching, get the latest free Flash-plug-inn